Kate W.
So happy to have found the 100XEquine EquiLaser and be able to offer my equine bodywork clients the access to this incredible therapy modality!
Kadee G.
Just started using this on my large breed dog to see how it would help him after his accident in 2020. It seems to help him quit a bit and he loves it . He is calm and just lays there until his treatment is completed. I have noticed when I don't use it he does seem to limp similar to the way he did before I started using it on him.
Kathleen C.
I bought this to use on our horse but the vet told me I should also try it on my plantar fascitis which has been crippling me over a yr. She is a firm believer in red light therapy after using it on a horse with a degloved hind leg and how fast it healed. I started using it , 5 min on each foot 2 X’s a day. By day 4 I could tell a difference and my feet have made a huge improvement since. I am not saying its gone but the difference is remarkable because I can now for get I had it unless I am on my feet a lot during the day. They will hurt a little but nothing like walking on glass anymore. I have had 4 friends buy this devise just because of my experience and they are all totally satisfied. Thank you
Works well, great value
Maya C.
Great product! Easy to use and has been working wonders on my senior mare, dog, and myself!
Marta Z.
My vet recommended this for my aging sighthounds. I am thrilled to be able to get it.
Elizabeth C.
I purchased 2 of these -- the first one I gave my trainer as a Christmas gift. She's been using it on a horse with a check ligament strain, and it seems to be improving. The second one I kept for myself -- I've used it on my bad knees and arthritic hands. Not sure yet if it's helping, but it's not hurting.
Joshua C.
Super easy to use. Horses love it
Hannah L.
Excellent product. Easy to use! Couldn't have came at a better time. My mare sprained her DDFT so she's been getting twice a day treatment's.
Sherri G.
I've only used it once and there is still a learning curve. My vet showed me where and how often/long to use it. My dog had surgery on Monday and had specific injections into his joints so the recommendation was to resume using it after 2 weeks.
Yvonne G.
Great products!! Doesn’t bother the horse at all. Makes him feel better!
Susan C.
I use it for my hands and it works well.
Adrienne R.
It works great. I had a horse with a skin cancer type and it fixed it after about a year of different treatments
Patricia M.
My horse is much more relaxed and comfortable as soon as we begin riding after a laser treatment.
Nichole D.
I use the laser on a variety of horses, for various reasons. I also told a lot of friends/ boarders
kimberly k.
My horse was very calm…no issues.
Susan O.
Works fantastic healing wounds! Tried other methods and this was most effective.
Anna G.
Great product!
Tallia S.
Significantly helped with a bad cut healing. Excited to have it on hand!!!!
Shirley D.
my 24 year old horse pull her hamstring left hind for two weeks . third week we got the laser and did apply 2 times a day. now walking out alot better. thank you
I got the red light to try on my horses injury and she loves it. I've been trying it on another horse at the barn on an abscess that won't go away. While using the red light the horses relax and fall asleep, not only that but I know they are healing faster. Great product to have on hand!
Amy K.
100X Equine's customer service stands out as excellent! The EquiLaser was on backorder when I ordered it and they kept me updated on the status throughout the backorder period. I also made a mistake on choosing the free gallon and was able to get them to fix my mistake with just one email. 100X Equine's products have been wondeful for my aging horses and I'm so grateful that my social media hivemind told me about their products. The OsteoMax has given new life to my daughter's 23 year old mare and we're very grateful for that.
Shari B.
I've had this laser for about a year and have used it on Sables fetlocks and feel it helped with the swelling, as well as the OsteoMax. I've also uses it on my bad knee and my sisters old lab and saw good results. Thanks.
Russ F.
This is a x-mas gift. Last year I gave the hand held massage. She loves it & uses often on horses & herself
Julia D.
Immediate response to treating stiffness in horses shoulder, better flexibility in stifles and hock.
Cynthia K.
My horses love their treatments
Savannah O.
It has helped tremendously with my girls TPLO recovery. She feels too good!
Rachel W.
Super handy. Use it on my horse and myself
Lynn s.
Works great. Wish there was a hand free option tho
Kathleen G.
I bought this out of pure curiosity because I’m a recent red light therapy convert (thought it was all hokum before) but this little laser is incredible! It helps on my horses trigeminal nerve down the side of his face. He suffers with Headshaking & this has helped. It also has healed angry bug bites, soothed swelling from a vaccine shot- that’s just the horse! It has helped my dog’s arthritis, he can run up the stairs again! I’m not done, it has halted my son’s toenail fungus & soothes his aching joints AND it got rid of a total of SEVEN long resident plantar warts. This thing has paid for itself many times over!!!
samantha c.
Gave this to my dad for Father’s Day. They have a lot of old former show horses with various ailments. He has been using it everyday since he got it and loves it. The horses have showed signs of improvement, and he is super happy about that. I would buy it again.
Charles C.
Horse has a tear in suspensory ligament which is a 4 month recovery. I started using this cold laser for 10 days, twice a day for 5 mins each, then every other day 2x per day, 5 mins each. At 30 day vet check, my horse went from a lameness of 4 (5 is won't put leg down), to a 1. Vet flexed in multiple directions and horse was not very lame. Will check in 30 days and if sound, can go back to riding. This cold laser helped shorten recovery time from 4 months to 2 months!!!!
Jane S.
Has helped!
Jennifer S.
Purchased to use at competition as a quick rehab, especially for those longer events. I also used it on a wound. After one week of use, hair started to grow back. I use it 3-4x a week for maintenance on hocks and other common areas of soreness. Horses seem to enjoy it. You can feel the heat and sometimes see the blood flow to the area but it quickly dissipates after a few minutes.
Diane S.
I love this laser. I used it on my knee and my husbands shoulder. Also my horse was injured by the farrier. Right front ankle, stifle and gaskin. Used it on all 3. It really helped.
Cheri R.
Using this on my knee and on my horse and older dog as needed.
Steve H.
I have used this daily for almost a month on my mare. It certainly helped a very bad bite heal nicely. She also was ran by another horse in the pasture and had heat and swelling in her front right leg. I have used it all over that leg with success as well as on a problem stifle. There is very little doubt when it hits a sore spot. I start with the lowest intensity and work my way up gradually. She almost goes into a trance now when I use it for 10 minutes or so. I know this isn’t scientific, but I am sold on it.
Patrick C.
We use this on all the horses and also ourselves for sore joints. Very happy with this product.
Robert G.
Good tool for horse and me.
Laura H.
The laser had worked great improving recovery and healing new injuries! Works on people issues too :)
Debra S.
I have a horse with a wound and broken fingers of my own. This has been a great tool in our recovery.
Francesca W.
Easy to use. Doesn't intimidate the horse. Seems to help with discomfort.
Kimberly L.
Been using it on a bone bruise, and stifles, and it is working great.
Bruce B.
Great product for my golfer's elbow. Really helped clear it up.
Kelley H.
Love the laser! Works great and the shipping was super fast!
Lemonia F.
I’m a farrier with a whole horse approach. I have been leaning towards rehab and bought the laser for my personal horse, then I saw how it was helping her and started offering it as an extra to clients.
Trista W.
My horses stand quietly for this and I have used this on my own ankle/broken heel and I can feel the effects.
Madasyn H.
The Equilaser has been a great addition to have at the barn. I use it for my 24 year old mare with hock arthritis
Stacy S.
Love it. Ways to use. Compact. And gets results.
Jennifer Y.
My horse popped a splint, I’ve been using the laser 5min a day for the past week and have already noticed a major improvement in the size of the lump and he’s moving less tenderly on that leg too. Excited to see how it’ll look in a month!
Lynn W.
Perfect for non professional use on my horses.
Feels pretty good on me too!
Jennifer L.
Bought my laser device and just started using it. Anecdotally it worked great on my partner’s shoulder. My horse also seems to like it. Easy to use.
Linda V.
I’m pretty sure it’s helping my mare with her start of kissing spine plus her arthritis in her stifle
Randi G.
During a week long ride out West 2 of my geldings became sore in their backs due to the difficult terrain, I used the Lazer on both of them for 2 days and they were able to go back to being ridden again discomfort free with no reaction to pressure on the 3rd day
sue H.
Thank you 100X. this mare on July 17 th was in the pasture when 1 of the foals spooked and she spun into the bar wire and partially cut her tendon. Sue to financial issues we decided to treat her conservatively. Every other day dressing change’s, antibiotics , Gut X, OsteoMax and every other day laser treatment. The improvements in her leg have impressed the vet. Thank you 100x for the awesome products. Sue Hodgman and Foxxy
Paige H.
This laxer really helped my horses back and cuts he had on his legs!! Love this!!
Paige S.
Purchased through a distributor. Absolutely love how easy this laser is to use and how long the battery lasts. My horses love it. Even my stoic gelding shows great releases when using this laser on his hamstrings and stifle.
Sharon B.
Have bunion on left toe,no longer hurts when I walk, my knees better,and my shoulder better, also taking osteo max
Mindy M.
I have used this on my horse and other horses at my barn. They love it! I get get lots of good releases and it helps them be more comfortable. Also use it on my performance dogs. They love it also!!
Becky S.
Using this tool to help with pain and stiffness in my horses hocks
Abigail A.
Bought this for a wound on my horses back, I had read really good things about it helping stimulate cell growth and generate faster recovery. After using it for a week I definitely noticed a different, the wound looked much healthier and my horse seemed more comfortable, very glad I made this purchase
Michelle S.
Have used it on our own horses as well as other horses in the barn and have seen a difference in their comfort
Leslie J.
I am an equine bodyworker as well as a competitor in ranch and VRH classes. I use it in my own horse, client horses (video) and have shared the link with several clients.
Dondra P.
My horses are 20 and 23 and both have some arthritis. One in his stifles and hocks and the other in his coffin joints. This has been a great addition to the therapy I already do for the. They both enjoy it and appear to move better when I used it routinely!
Lacey H.
Keeps my sons old horse more flexible and more pain free on the colder days when his arthritis acts up. I’ve also used it on myself, after a few treatments it’s better than taking a painkiller, better for you too.
Sharon C.
Using on a severe wire cut. Once started the laser treatment the healing sped up dramatically
Shonnessy G.
I didn't want to like the laser, but I really do. My mare hurt a muscle in her back, and it was visibly sunk and spasming. Twenty minutes of the laser and the spasming stopped, and the muscle evened out. I am using it every day now on her SI and low back. I have even used it on my own sprained ankle. I am very impressed for the price. The only reason I gave 4 stars (and I could easily be convinced to up it to 5), is I don't think it makes much difference on arthritis. But maybe I need to use it more to see those results.
Jackie J.
I have used on my lower back, reduces pain. Have used it on one of the horses that has some pain in her shoulder.
Ty M.
I used the EquiLaser on my painful shoulder and found positive results. Am now using it on my horses hocks and back hoping he becomes more comfortable. Time will tell.
Amanda H.
My Awesome and much Loved show mare somehow tore her Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon. Figuring she must have done it while enjoying her daily turnout time but we maybe didn’t catch it right away. Once officially diagnosed by vet w ultrasound March 1 I ordered Osteo Max and have been feeding her at loading dose for nearly 2 months now. Decided to purchase and add the laser to our rehabbing regimen of stall rest plus 2x daily hand walking and poulticing + monthly Shockwave treatment at vets. I’ve just had laser for 10 days now, but Really feel like it is helping the swelling and extra burden on her compensatory leg as much as the damaged tendon I cannot see. It will be interesting to see the ultrasound at her 3 month checkup to see how both are helping. I prefer these natural treatments and supplements to Bute or Previcox. She just stands in the cross ties and licks her lips or gently touches my back as I laser treat her legs so am pretty sure she is telling me it is making her feel better. Thank you for this Great product at a reasonable price.
Kimberly P.
Fantastic value and fantastic laser! Have even used it on myself and it really makes a huge difference! Knots I’ve had for years are gone! Love it and will never be without one in my toolbox for myself and my horses!
Michael S.
Have a horse with bowed tendon helping reduce bow and reduce the pain
Lindsey M.
Awesome product, easy to use! My horse loves his Equilaser sessions.
Elizabeth M.
Excuse the one handed video of the device but this little bad boy! Oh I love it! I use it on myself AND my horses! In 2018 I had a really bad fall off of a horse. I dislocated my ankle and broke my leg….same leg. I have a plate and 13 screws. The EquiLaser has made my ankle so much less painful after I ride!
I use it on my horses whenever they are you know…horses and ding themselves up or whatever lol. It holds its charge for ages! I’ve owned it awhile and swear I haven’t had to charge it yet lol.
Totally worth the money!
Sarah C.
My daughters are 9 and have very competitive show lambs. One lamb we just started working on for this coming show season was packing around a front leg; we at first suspected a broken shoulder.
We moved him into a smaller pen to restrict movement and noticed he had a lump at thee point of his shoulder. It is hard and I suspect it’s a hematoma from him messing around with other lambs in their big pen.
I started using the EquiLaser on him yesterday morning. He has had four 15-minute treatments and he is already putting weight on that leg and is not walking so lamely. I’m a believer in these products!!
Jennifer P.
DO NOT WAIT TO BUY an EquiLaser! Just do it. You need it. They are AMAZING!!! My horse was lame and they thought it was a tendon and that she would be off for months before starting rehab. After only 1 month of using the EquiLaser and stall rest we were able to start rehabbing. Everyone couldn't believe how she recovered in that month!
Johanna N.
I use this for myself, horses and dogs. Love it.
Rod L.
Fast shipping product works as advertised
Jamie S.
Leslie V.
great product
Shanna S.
Used the Equilaser on a cut over my fillies back. Healed up in less than 60 days and she was back to riding. Great laser and results for the price!
Kayla D.
Love this product, not only for the horses,but for me as well! Easy to use with great results!
Beth M.
Great product
Brigette M.
I’m a certified equine sports massage and rehabilitation therapist and I’ve added the cold laser to my routine. It’s an amazing tool to have in the arsenal, I use it on our dogs, my dad and husband as well as our horses and my clients horses. My husband is a professional bull rider and it’s been amazing for his recovery time and any ailments after events. We love this tool and it’s very helpful for myself for some relief after a day of massaging horses.
Brenda L.
Been using this for 3 weeks and so far we love it.
Lacey H.
This has kept my sons old horse going a lot
More pain free.
Teri O.
My horse has a hind suspensory injury and I am using it to help her heal more quickly.
Janet B.
I use it on my horse's knees because of arthritis. Between lazer and osteo, I am definitely seeing improvements
Rika M.
My older horse, a paso quarter horse has developed ring bone and arthritis in his fronts. Hoping to relieve the pain
Eric G.
Great products
Amber G.
The results I’ve been getting so far have been great!
Michelle W.
I purchased this laser not knowing what to expect, I am blown away with how it helps loosen tight muscles. I am a certified equine massage therapist. This product has helped to save my hands and has sped up my sessions in reference to those tight muscles that take time to unwind. Love my laser!, so do my horses and my clients!
Ginger F.
Ok so I heard that laser can help toe fungus on me. My two big toes have a nail fungus and I’ve. Even using this for about a month and my nails look good and are growing out normal. I don’t have the money to afford to pay someone to do this so I got the laser. I love it. My nails are looking so good again. I’m so happy with it. If my horses ever need laser I can use it one them. My horses range in age from 9-29 The 29 years old has been on GutX for almost two years and he’s a totally new horse. Now to afford the Osteo max for him but I wanted the laser and I love the laser. Thanks for offering it. Ginger
Ashley M.
My horses say THANK YOU. They drop their head and lick their lips after just a few minutes every time. My futurity colt was extremely sore in his back, a few treatments later and he doesn’t even react when we test this back. Use it on problem areas through the week and all over before a run. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
McKenzie W.
I’ve been using the equilaser for a couple of weeks and so far I am really liking my results! I’m excited to see the long term affects!
Brianna S.
Our WAHSET and Jr Rodeo horse does many activities all year long. She happens to be the pickiest eater I have ever met, its a huge struggle! We used to keep her on a time released joint supplement and once we started using jointflex we stopped her other supplements. The time released supplement was a powder and it worked but was being wasted as well in the bottom of her food pan and we could never tell how much she was actually ingesting. We use the jointflex and gutx together and she loves it! Nothing is wasted and I personally believe her pain in her hocks is much less with this regime as well as her other joints. This regime in the long run is actually cheaper for us as well!
We also bought you equilaser and use it all the time! We use it on her hocks after every run. Shoot we use it on ourselves! I'd say it works pretty darn close to the one my vet uses. Well worth the money to have one for yourself!
Currently I'm interested in buying the osteomax as our horse bowed a tendon a few weeks ago. I'm hoping by getting and using that, it will speed up her recovery time and she will continue to be sound once healed.
Chelsey O.
I work on a racing farm and have my own horses, one barrel horse, one jumper, one freeloader. I’ve noticed a positive change in them since using. I’ve worked on horses at work with injuries or wounds or stiffness, they seem to really enjoy it. I’m looking forward to using it more to see more results
Mary P.
This is a great handheld laser.
Ellyse B.
This laser is so easy to use and I know it is helping withe various soreness on both of mine after their runs or a long week of workouts. I love the convenience of this laser and the price point for the value of having this on hand at all times is so great and well worth it!
Robert D.
I love this laser!!! can't say enough good things about it. I am a bodyworker and have many modalities . Did not have a laser until now and wow! we use it all the time . On the animals and us. Really makes a difference and you can't beat the price.
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