This was Bo before GutX. We were loading up that morning. I was walking towards him with his saddle pad & a friend was walking beside me with his saddle. Bo freaks out just seeing them. I put him on GutX - within 2 weeks- Bo started showing much improvement- after 30 days he was showing a much more happier , calmer horse - this May will be 4 yrs. Bo is still on GutX & I still give him 60cc. 1/2 in the morning 1/2 at night. Some horse do well on 30cc and some need that extra. Just depends on your horse. If your horse is trying to refuse the GutX- mix shredded carrots in your feed- or diced apples.
Shepard S.
My horse Dash wouldn’t put on weight. We tried everything. After being on gut x for two months he put on weight and his coat was super shiny and soft! It’s the best product!
Michelle W.
I added GutX to my 21 year old mares supplement routine and she is a brand new gal! I didn’t known of any underlying health issues going on, but since adding GutX she noticeably feels so much better.
Terry H.
Feeding to a 21yoa team sorting gelding
Putting top line back and just a much happier old guy to work around.
Rossi T.
Hello! My nine-year-old gelding quarter horse was having loose stool for a month. After three days of being on good it is well formed and he’s a happier boy. Thank you for your product. We will be purchasing and using it year-round.
Thank you!
Smith D.
My horse is on several prescriptions. Gut x keeps her happy and not grinding her teeth.
Daniela v.
It is amazing product been on it for 3 months and the different is amazing the energy she has and the fill better the weight has made a big difference and she looks amazing I'm so impressed with it and when u brake down the price for about $30 a month is so worth it for my horse to look and fill amazing.
Suzie R.
I recently brought these two rescues to my farm, GutX has done wonders for my other two horses so I wanted to start the new family members on it as soon as possible in case they have ulcers ect. and help them adjust to new surroundings which may upset their digestive system.
Robert M.
My gelding is 26 years old and for the last 3 months has had loose stools. It's now been 3 weeks since I started the gut x and I have started to notice that we now have Barn apples instead of having to wash my stall walls down everyday and to clean my horses backside. Hopefully I will start to see some improvements in other areas that I have read about. I plan to keep my buddy on gut x permanently along with the osteomax that he has been on now for several months
Tracy G.
Has taken care of the issues with colic.
Celene L.
I have been using the Gut X for over 2 years. My daughter is a professional trainer, Educated Guess LLC, and has put the entire barn on the product. Our horses are happy, healthy and feel their best.
Diane T.
Gut x is great stuff horses love it and look good
Casey E.
With two boujee loves, Gut-X gives me the piece of mind that they will stay healthy. They already cost me an arm, leg and first born but I worry less about their internal health because of this incredible supplement!
emma h.
Saturday February 8th makes 30 days on gut x, i noticed it working after a week! My gelding had ulcers and i was looking for a good solution to prevent them from coming back after his treatment. Before gut x he was very cinchy with digestive issues and now he has no problems. My vet even recommended that he stays on this product. I highly recommend, his performance is better than ever.
Debra C.
My girl feels so much better and is calmer when her tummy feels good.
Augustine L.
No issues with gut. No smelly stool. No stress. Decrease need for wormers. Perfect body weight requires less feed.
Christina S.
I have a REALLY picky eater and he always goes off feed when we haul. Ever since doing GutX I never have that problem anymore! He looks good and feels great!
Alissa S.
A friend said to try gu8t x with a cranky 14 year old gelding. His attitude has dramatically changed with riding. It will be daily additive to his grain mix. Glad we found this product.
Alyssa B.
Love it!!
Cindy L.
My horse was flighty and just looked uncomfortable while being ridden. But he is settling in now.
Autumn B.
My mare can’t live without this! She does so well!
Karen L.
We absolutely love your products. Can't say enough!
Jack P.
This is a three year old standardbred we have his mother he is the third foal they all have stopped eating when the pressure of racing starts. Since starting Gut X on this colt before starting to race has kept his appetite great now that he has raced three times he has continued to eat well.
Jenny C.
I have a horse with chronic ulcers and stomach issues. So I’m hoping this will help!
Heather M.
I’ve seen a huge difference in my horses attitude and he’s looking so much better! Game changer!
Kristy G.
I have been using Gut X for over two years now in my middle age broodmare and now my younger broodmares and I feel it has helped them tremendously all the way around through breeding, pregnancy and after foaling!
Sallyanne C.
So far so good!! My 17 year old gelding is very flighty and suffers from gut issues/ ulcers. We are 2 gallons in and haven’t had any issues with gut pain since I started giving him one pump in the morning and one in the evening.
Hayley K.
My horse Buddy's gut health has improved drastically on Gut X. His coat is also super healthy! Since Buddy went in this 4 other horses in barn have been on it!
Melissa M.
Works great for our ulcer prone mare
Amy S.
My 29 year old looks fabulous on gut X
Laura M S.
Gut X has been a positive game changer for my horses. Thanks 100X Equine!!
Gunner B.
Mom gelding 10 years has been giving it for lame n had helped
Christina H.
Love this stuff!
Kelsey M.
I definitely feel as though it has made a difference in my Quarter Horse who was previously treated for ulcers. He shows no signs of side sensitivity and he just seems like a happier horse.
Kylan P.
Gutx keeps my high anxiety mares stomach happy while traveling and completing! I truly see a difference in her attitude and appetite.
Michael B.
My gelding was anxious, girthy, and very mouthy. After starting GutX, he has settled and stands quietly to saddle. I had treated this horse for ulcers multiple times but put him on a loading dose and after a month we are already down to a maintenance dose.
Hart N.
My mare was anxious and slightly girthy. After using GutX at a loading dose, she was acting much better! I backed her down to a maintenance dose and she is still doing wonderful.
Rachel M.
Works great!!
Stephanie L.
We bought gut-x because we got a new horse and he started sucking air when we brought him home. He’s been on gut-x for a little over a month and has almost completely stopped! Thank you for a great product!
I’ve owned Bo coming 5/12/2025 4 yrs. When I purchased Bo- he was a mess! He had a horrible diet, he was always cranky, unhappy horse. After chiropractors visits,, vet appointments nothing was helping him. I learned about GUTX and I started him in double dose! I kept Bo on 60CC for 30 days. The first 2 weeks we started noticing a little change, then a whole month then 2 months ! Bo is doing great 4 yrs later, I keep Bo on GutX everyday- I never run out because I know how much GutX helps him.
Shawn G.
Gracie is a very picky eater...can smell meds in feed and refuses to eat. Started her on GUT X (along with 7 other horses) about 1 week ago. She is eating the GUT X!!
Amber O.
Keeps all of my horses looking like a million dollars, from yearlings to my elders in their 20s.
Akelah S.
He’s happy and he’s healthy. Gut health struggles have DISAPPEARED!!!
Lisa W.
Gut x has helped my mare with stomach discomfort and frequent gas.
Jessyca M.
Every horse I have put on good eggs has had great results
Daniel R.
Skippy was getting to be a hard keeper but Gut-X helps him get the most out of what he eats. He has filled out nicely.
Lora C.
My old retired Broodmare is defying year’s of historical “wet gastric diarrhea” during the January and February months. I attribute that to Gut X, thank you!!
Sarah W.
After just a few weeks I’ve noticed a positive change in my mares weight. She’s mid twenties and we have a really hard time keeping weight on her over the winter. Looking forward to seeing the positive changes as she continues using.
I Love this product so much! I have 2 horses and I won’t be without it!
Geraldine B.
I have both my horses on gutX. Both horses seem to be doing fine on the product so far. I will give an update when I have had them on gutX for 3 months.
Patti B.
Works great for my horses. Love the results.
Madison A.
I love gut X I’ve seen such a difference in performances in my race horses, it’s a product you can trust and you know what’s in the product.!
Angie C.
Thanks to Osteo-Max, this 21 yr. old arthritic mare is moving around so much better! Also thanks to GutX she hasn't had any colic issues which had been an issue before starting GutX! Her top line has improved and her 3rd foal is due in August (starting to show a baby bump)!
Carrie S.
He was stressed with ownership transfer, and meeting a new herd.
Gut x really helped him
Been using this product for a year now and the horses seem to like it and look great. Easy to order and great deals highly recommend it to friends.
Bailey B.
Absolutely amazing results!
Stephanie M.
GutX helped George deal with the crazy cold and snow we had in Florida! He was not amused with the white stuff!
Emily C.
My 26 year old mare was having trouble with her top line as well as maintaining let alone gaining weight. After a long road of an EPM diagnosis then 3 months of treatment, we started her on GutX to help heal her gut from the intense treatment but to also hopefully improve her overall health. Nothing else has changed in her diet from pre diagnosis to today. Only change is adding GutX. This product has been a game changer not only for her but 2 others we have. One is a 7 year old mini who after foaling last spring became cinchy and nipped when tightening. Added GutX after some thought and she now stands to be saddled with NO nipping or dancing. Also have a 4 year old TB who we noticed was becoming cinchy. He was diagnosed with ulcers. Added GutX and is now standing to be saddled ad well. I highly recommend GutX to anyone!!! Gut health affects soo much more than we realize. Definitely a game changer and a product we will not be going without on any horse!
kristi s.
Since my horse Prinz has been on GutX (over a year now) he has been symptoms free from ulcers and just more comfortable. I tried EVERYTHING on the market and this was the thing that worked for us!
Valerie F.
My Friesian stallion is prone to ulcers and it is imperative to prevent them. GutX does just that. It also helps to prevent sand colic and here in Florida, that's a good thing. So I give it to all three of my horses. I helps me to keep them healthy and happy horses.
Tracy H.
My horses LOVE their GutX!!!
Sarah N.
My whole barn uses this product. I am trying for the first time on my 17yr old mare. So far so good.
Andrea B.
All my horses gut health is better due to 100x excellent product.
Tom G.
Have been using different (wafers) items for years. Since changing we are seeing a big difference.
Jana V.
Great product!!!!
Terrie C.
Roddy was showing signs of ulcers. I thought about having him scoped, but I'd have to bring him across town and have his feed restricted for 24 hours which seems detrimental if he does have ulcers. So I tried gutX. Within 3 days on the other adding dose, he stopped the behaviors (grinding teeth, rolling at meal time)
His coat blossomed, and he just seems happier.
Jessie D.
I have 3 of my horses on GutX. My 6 year old was diagnosed with food/environmental allergies at 2 years old it was a game changer for her. I wish I had found the GutX sooner. All 3 of there hair coats got even really softer. The ages range from 7months, 6 years, and 23 years. Also my 23 year old is metabolic along with ulcers and my 6 year old has ulcers it has helped with those a lot. I would highly recommend GutX!!!
Kathy C.
I had good results with an older gelding we bought who always had loose stool.
Cheryl V.
All of my horses are over the age of 20, and often are stiff in their stifles. And my OTTB often displays signs of gastric distress. Since putting all of them on Osteo-Max and my OTTB on both Osteo-Max and Gut-X, I've noticed a definite improvement in their comfort levels. They're not as stiff and often will trot off bucking and being silly. Thank you for these products!
Vickie B.
I always have a great experience with ordering and receiving the Gut-x I give to my 25-year old Tennessee Walker, Marcus. He has arthritis in his front feet and receives bute 2x a day. He has not had one gastric issue which I attribute to Gut-x. I really like this product!
Kathy L.
Been using this for a couple of years and have noticed a big difference in my horses .
Kay S.
I started up
Kendra’s training and as usual she had symptoms of ulcers. I started using Gut-X and there was immediate improvement.
Shelby H.
Love this product! Since being on GutX, Nico has gained weight and showed less symptoms of ulcers. He is eating better and his poop has become firmer more consistently!
Sally D.
Actually have 3 of my horses on this currently and I am starting to see some small but noted changes with them -- a bit less grumpy and agitated -- good signs! Easy to use, mix with current feed with no issues.
This product works well for my horses. I would recommend to everyone!
Amie E.
My up and coming endurance horse has had some belly issues in the past. He will go off his feed and appear dull. Once I started giving him GutX he came alive! His appetite is back! I made the mistake and took him off of it to find out if it really was this product making a difference and he reverted back to his old ways. I now always keep this on the shelf! Thank you 100X Equine for making my horse feel his best!
Keith L.
We having great results with our halter horses on gut x!
Meghan T.
My mare all the sudden started to bite, which is not like her. I put her on this and have seen a drastic change in her attitude. I think it’s helped coat her tummy.
Brenda A.
Gutx has greatly helped our rescue Kringle with his fecal water syndrome. I give it to him am and pm feedings.
Ashlea Z.
Vinnie is over 30, but Gutx has him looking better than ever!
Elisabeth V.
Over the last few years, my now 21 yr old Draft gelding got loose from all hays until I discovered 100X Gut X..
Now his manure is great and I don’t need to wash his tail Everyday .
Judy J.
Just got this OTTb in a few months ago. GutX is a game changer. Better appetite shiny coat and isn’t afraid of his shadow anymore.
GutX keeps our horses healthy and looking great no matter the weather or any other stresses. Every ranch horse on the place gets GutX.
Lori G.
Been using this product for several years on 4 horses. Economically great for me and my horses lick their tubs clean. They all dapple out and shine and look the picture of health
Deborah L.
I bought a reining mare who means a great deal to me. It’s a comfort to know that she is receiving supplements that will keep her joints, ligaments, gut and more healthy and happy!
Cyndy R.
Gut-X has been awesome for my 3 girls! Especially with the winter cold we are having!!!! Helped my 2 year old with ulcers and she is amazing now. No more cinch y and eats it like a champ!!! Love these products!!!!! No better in my opinion! Thank you ❣️
Linda H.
I’m a breeder , trainer , hunter jumper rider I absolutely love all the options we have for our babies , moms , older lesson horses and our big time jumpers .
Thank you
Alexa R.
Have my 2 boys on gut x. The paint has FWS and this product helps so much!! Especially in the winter when he gets very loose he isn’t as loose with this product will always be a part of their diet for gut health. Thank you!!
R J.
This guy actually quit cribbing after starting GutX!!! Thank you!
Ginger H.
My mare was a rescue and was very scared and cranky when she arrived on our farm. Once we began "bonding" I realized every time we would put her on a lead line she would bite at her side. Loading on a trailer was a nightmare! we had her scoped and realized she was full of ulcers. We tried Omeprazole but had minimal success at a very high cost! I read about Gut X and put her on it. Within 2 weeks she was no longer biting at her sides no matter what we were doing!! She was able to focus on her training and now she is a different horse!! she is such a happy carefree horse now with such a bright future! Thank you GUT X, you literally changed her life!!
Hollie W.
Gutx has been a game changer! Being in the veterinary industry for 10+ years, I have tried a lot of products for ulcers. I had a scope pre and post this product and it made a huge difference! I keep all my horses on it and don’t find that I need to use Ulcergard as a preventative anymore. 10/10 recommend
Kate T.
We use this while traveling and it seems to keep the horses comfortable. We mix with grain to make it more palatable.
Kristy W.
My 22 year old Mustang Mare inipi moon has cushings EMS ringbone and Ulcers and is fighting an infection the vet has addressed her situation and has her on many med including presend, thyrol L SMZ and is scheduled for Doxy I have had her on Gut X for a year now and it's the only thing that keeps her on her feet it aids in helping her Ulcers along with colic bouts I wouldn't let her go without Gut X ever again. I just want to say without it my horse would not be here.tbank you 100x equine for keeping my horse alive.
Molly B.
I already use GutX for my performance mare and I love it! During the below freezing temperatures we’ve had here in Georgia recently, I decided to also dose my retired and older gelding, Raider. In hopes to help his gut stay healthy and reduce the chance of colic. Being a real picky eater I’m always hesitant to add any supplements because he will stop eating. But…he’s still eating his grain and I feel much better with Raider getting GutX also! I am going to continue this even after our cold days! Thank you!
Shauna F.
Gutx has helped put weight on and makes my guys coat shiny even in the winter!
Debi K.
Gut-X has kept Flash Cash N Fame aka Stinger in the best of shape! She is consistently running amazing times show after show. She has never looked so healthy! She was tagged as the horse with the best shine to her coat at a local club in 2024!
Denise W.
My mare is 21 years young. I noticed that when I would saddle her tighting up the girth she would turn her head towards me as if she wanted to bite. I started using gut x have been using now for 9 months and she no longer turns her head. I also use joint flex . Wonderful products and will continue to use. ❤️
Winters in Montana are long and cold. My semi-retired 26 year young gelding was dealing with Free Fecal Water Syndrome, which I could not seem to control. After putting him on Gut-X, the problem (and mess!) are gone! He and my 13 YO mare are now both on Gut-X and Osteo-Max and they are doing great -
thanks 100X Equine!
Susan T.
We started using Gut X on all of our new horses, sold horses (ready to go to their new homes) and ready to wean foals. We believe that it helps keep them from getting health complications from stress. We will not transition one without it now!
Pamela C.
I use the Gut-X for all my horses! This product has been a fabulous addition to my feed program. I have horses ranging from 2-22 and they all get a gut supplement. I've shared this with some of my clients that have horses with ulcer issues and it's been a huge help for them!
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