Brandi B.
My horse has quit cribbing on this product. I tried taking him off and the cribbing came back. I put him back on and the cribbing is gone again. I've never had that happen with any other horse. Quite impressive.
Joe H.
Great product
McKenzie B.
I first bought GutX from someone locally who wasn't able to keep using it. I used up what I bought from her, and when it ran out my mare started acting a little cranky. I made a purchase from the company and quickly my happy mare was back.
Jeffrey S.
Gut x has significantly helped my horse with weight gain and ulcers. Also it has greatly reduced the amount that he cribs.
Renee K.
Deborah V.
This product has really helped my horse.
Love it!!!
Great service
Second time using this product with 2 different horses that were new for us. In both cases you could see a settling of the horse within just a few short weeks. Both horses were high strung and nervous in their new environment. Each horse likely had ulcers and this product also helped with needed weight gain.
Joe C.
Been fighting with with putting weight on after treating for ulcers. I think he’s starting to gain some weight
Cal W.
I am using giving this product to my 28 year old black gelding. The winters are tougher on him so I tried this product about the time he went to pasture. I think it has really helped his digestive system to absorb more nutrients and is starting to put on some of weight and flesh he lost this past winter.
Love it
Only been using it for a month. Horse is feeling more relaxed and comfortable.
Violet L.
I am trying it out on multiple horses ,34 yrs young( retired barrel horse) 12 yr old barrel horse , 6 yr old Ex race horse , and who ever I feel could use it , I have 10 horses, so far it seems to be showing beneficial,
Belinda S.
My eight-year-old mare has always always been touchy around her sides and Pins her ears when she cinched. It has taken around four weeks, but what a difference in her attitude and she looks absolutely beautiful.
I stated both of my horses on this several months back. I already had them on a high quality gut treatment and was hesitant to switch. Glad I did. Their coat is so much richer in color now.
My friend recommended Gut X for my mare who was going through 28 days of ulcer treatment. I started her on Gut X about two weeks into ulcer treatment and have continued the Gut X ever since and have noticed she’s significantly less sensitive around her barrel. She’s maintaining weight, her mood has improved, and overall seems more comfortable. I also put my older gelding on Gut X too as he sometimes has loose stool. And that has helped him significantly not have a dirty bum! Highly recommend!
Fast shipping and easy to use. My horse has no problems eating it mixed in his food. He has been on it for about a year. He has never been diagnosed with ulcers, but I thought this couldn’t hurt. It has made him so shiny and agreeable.
This has already after 3 days helped him settle and have better digestion of his food. Love this product!
Love this stuff!!! My horse has only been on it a couple of weeks and already seeing an improvement
Alexa P.
My horse used to have runny poop, especially when he would get anxious. This has really helped his tummy and my peace of mind.
amazing!!!! a total game changer for the health of my gelding, he’ll never not have this in his system now!
We love this product for our horses!!
kellie s.
I love to get on here and brag about how great this product is. But .i really dont see a change in either of my horses. A 8 yr.old quarter mare and a 14 yr.old appendix gelding. They both already had pretty good bodies going into winter. I was hoping for some of the spookiness and anxiety in my gelding to subside a bit. But i see no change. I will continue to use this product until its gone and then re- evaluate if its helpful enough to purchase more.
Thanks .
Kellie Spurlin
Jennifer W.
Easy to feed and shipping is fast!
Great product
Katie D.
I have all my drafts on gut x! My Clyde in particular has allergies that can cause ulcers and he is much happier on gutx
Mary G.
I took a chance on a 3 yr old Mustang cross. I lost 2 horses this summer to complications to colic and wanted to make sure his gut was in great working order because I refuse to lose another horse. He needed a little more muscle too so I researched the best dietary changes for him and I'm astounded on his transformation. I'm now going to put my mare on GutX too.
Mistie F.
Gutx has help my horses so much I have all five on it. They have gained/maintained weight and just all in an over all better body condition
Malissa K.
I absolutely love Gut X. Our horses look and feel amazing on this. This picture our gelding Wimpy's Little Cee Note won Grand Champion and our mare SF Lady Blue took reserve Champion in the speed division.
I tell everyone about 100 Equine.
Please do ever stop making great products.
Forever a customer,
Malissa Myers
Joanne B.
My mare was pretty girthy.
After using the product she seems to be much better.
Mary P.
Horse look great on the gutX
Smith D.
I tried Gut X for my 24 year old gelding. It has improved his fecal water syndrome 95% of the time. I am happy I gave it a try and will be buying more.
Marie W.
I have 5 rescued elderly horses that have had Fecal Free Water Syndrome (AKA Poopy Pants). Within days, they have been free of poopy pants for over a year! Although I don't think it is doing anything for horses that seem to have ulcers, I still highly recommend tGut-X!
Megan L.
I mostly bought this for our 23 year old mare who was having a tough time keeping weight on. What I didn’t expect was how big a change it made in my two younger geldings as well. After 20 days, my mare’s ribs are barely visible, top line is looking better, and her butt is filling out again. She’s looking better than she has in years! My boys are looking like tanks haha! I thought they looked good before, but now their butts are rounder, necks are thicker, and of course their coats are gleaming! My nervous buckskin has calmed down some too. All of them are shiny and just seem more content. I’m excited to see more improvements as we go!
Fay L.
24 year old anhidrosis horse of 8 years of runny stool in the summer. Many vet visits and supplements over the years - unsuccessful .
Gut - X worked in 3 weeks. Yahoo!
Candyce M.
It has seemed to help my horse's cow patty poop back to normal
Catherine L.
So excited that my princess happily eats this and that it keeps her free of ulcer symptoms.
I love it!!
Natalie B.
Great stuff
Rebecca G.
Bought this sweet little mare and was suspecting that she probably has ulcers had tried a few different gut support products and wasn't happy with what we were seeing. They were hard to get into her as she wasn't wanting to really eat her grain and she is a picky eater so I went ahead and bit the bullet and ordered gutx knowing that she needed a good gut support after she is done being treated with omeprazole and after a few weeks on gut she now finishes her food and has become lively and is back to her spunky self. We will definitely be sticking to gutx with her for sure.
Charylann M.
My 24 yo old gelding has never looked better.
Geri B.
I used Gut X for my 22 year old mare that was struggling with fecal water syndrome. Gut X helped it get cleared up in two days!
Lisa m.
Renee B.
People can't believe she's a 22-year-old barrel horse.
Allan D.
This stuff is wonderful. It has helped my mare so much. Cleared her watery poop up and she is gaining weight back.
Cindy S.
Our gelding has been on this several months and has definitely helped him seem more content with his tummy!
My mare has been through so much in a short time set backs, surgery, training, etc. Then from all of this developed ulcers, treated and healed, but there were still signs; girthy, ears, touchy. So I gave this a try and what a difference just in attitude, she is happy now and growling dragon to go visit her and actually ride and be enjoyable! This was the ONLY thing I changed for her diet as one last try. It truly made me a believer in as little as a week or so, and now almost a month, this is a new horse! I found the magic for her.
Noelle C.
My horse loves it and he’s clear of ulcers for the first time in months on UlcerGuard .
Sharon A.
I LOVE your product and I still have two bottles of GUT X. It has eliminated one Paso Fino's ulcers (Precious) and settled my other Paso Fino's (Sunshine) gut caused from 80 pounds of sand that built up in her gut. it took two weeks to clear the sand but left her intestines irritated.
I tried different foods, worked with four different products for 8 months before I tried GUT X with Sunshine. I had to wash her hind legs twice a day for 8 months because she secreted an acidic liquid that ran down her legs. GUT X fixed it and she has energy again and I am free from washing her legs everyday.
Connie H.
My 22 yr old gelding has been doing great since I started him on thus product. He is no longer trying to bite me or his ears laying back in pain when synching him up.
Susan H.
Love 100x products!
Alyssa H.
My horse was diagnosed with fore and hind gut ulcers which we treated with misoprostol and omeprezole. Even after treatment his attitude remained sour and he was still very cinchy. Decided to give gutX a try and after our first 2 gallons I am noticing huge differences in his personality, which is super exciting and relieving for this worried horse momma!
Christine M.
Sherri G.
We just started using it but a lot at our stables are also using it and love the results so far. Very excited to see what it does for my 6 horses
Dennis M.
I have put 6 horses on it it appears to help
Steve E.
Great product made a believer out of mr
Pamela J.
Benny seemed to have a hesitation in working, I tried this and he is getting better each week.
Cheryl G.
The product is easy to use and my horse loves it. He is a senior and needs the extra help with his system.
Kandy H.
Don't know if there's a difference yet.
Deanna K.
My horse Quazi (Queezie) is a PB Arabian. He suffers from ulcers as most horses do. He's been on preventives for a couple of years and it just didn't seem to be enough. While I was riding he had horrible gas and very girthy. After reading all the reviews I decided to give this a try. I have to say...its been tremendous in helping Quazi. No more gas while riding and he's very happy to be saddled and ridden. He really seems to be more at ease and moving a lot better. Thank you for making a "GREAT PRODUCT THAT WORKS"!!
Nicole M.
Big improvement in our sometimes not so sweet mare!
Jenna K.
My OTTB was suffering from
Hind guy ulcers, within a week of Gut X he began drinking more, eating better, and overall acting happier. Now almost thirty days, he’s a brand new horse. It’s almost too good to be true.
Granger D.
The horses we have put on Gut X have really bloomed. They are happier in their work, Our breeding stallion is no longer cranky, and a couple of the retired mares are really relaxed in the pasture. Thanks for this great product.
jessie m.
I have not been using it long but so far it seems to be working really good. I have a older stud on it that just would not gain weight. Since being on gut x he is starting to gain weight, has more energy and his cost looks good.
Lori J.
My horse went to the trainer and was sent home because he was not happy and she thought he may have ulcers. I put him on GutX and he has been happier and more focused on work.
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